We can help you find an exquisite gift, or add to your existing collection.

Book a consultation

Find your very own breathtaking book to gift to someone special, to begin your shelf of treasures, or add to your existing collection, with our book concierge service.

| How does it work?

Book a time that suits you. If you prefer you can consult with us via email.

| What happens next?

Our search begins for your dearest book. We will contact you with options for your special gift and agree on a timeline that suits you. You’ll be able to see images of the books, understand the condition, and we’ll tell you of the wonderful tales within, and the authors and artists who have created the magic. We can work towards finding you a wondrous gift by a special date if you require.

You can then choose to proceed with purchasing your lovely gift, or not with a simple click.

We can either send to you, or directly to that special someone. Beautifully wrapped with a specially written message which you provide, or one we can craft for you.

Book a Consultation

Start your journey to finding your exquisite gift.

We are happy to meet via video link, telephone or consult over email.

You can easily re-schedule or cancel your appointment.

Finding wondrous literary treasures is our passion.